The New York Times: Pros and Cons of Obamacare After 10 Years

  1. It’s greatly expanded coverage: 20 million more people have health insurance
  2. including preventive care.
  3. Increased Coverage: Medicaid enrollment increased by about 13 million
  4. or 34 percent
  5. in the so-called expansion states between 2013 and 2019.
  6. It hasn’t curbed costs enough: Health care remains unaffordable for many middle-class people
  7. who don’t qualify for Medicaid or federal subsidies to help buy an individual policy.
  8. It’s saved lives: A recent series of studies has made clear to researchers that Obamacare really did make people healthier.
  9. It’s made insurers richer: In the most recent period of 2019
  10. companies took in enough money to have 25 cents left over from every dollar collected in premiums.
  11. Obamacare's biggest flaw: Surveys of health law enrollees show that the deductibles are patients’ biggest struggle
  12. and health care costs have grown relentlessly.
Notes: From an article entitled, "Obamacare Turns 10. Here’s a Look at What Works and Doesn’t."